One of the most pivotal discoveries of our natural lives is the reality of death. Not only is it hard to imagine that there is a place beyond this mortal world, but it is nearly impossible to expect someone to come to terms with losing a loved one. Sometimes we become so caught up in our own lives that when someone is suffering, we may not even notice. I work for a newspaper company and have a Monday morning route that takes me to a nursing home complex. On one particularly groggy Monday morning I was going about my route as usual. I had just come to the complex and I noticed a young woman sitting on the bench outside the main door. I didn't think twice about her, and continued to steer the van to the other side of the building. Pulling out a few minutes later, I saw that she was still there and realized that the poor girl was grieving. Not just crying, but the tender weeping of a soul in pain. As this realization hit I knew what I should have done and what was too late to do since I was out on the road. I prayed for her to be comforted, but I have a firm belief that Heavenly Father answers prayers like that through the loving people around us. I know I missed a moment to be someone's angel, to comfort and protect. For those reading, I would ask that you look around and notice if there is someone in need of comfort, a kind word or just a smile. Don't be afraid to do what is right, because it's in those moments of doubt and insecurity that precious moments of becoming like Christ in word and deed are missed. In comforting others we are able to share the hope that there are better tomorrows to come. So, is the sky still blue there? Yes, and I believe it is the most lovely color imaginable. :) ~Victoria
“Those who journey to higher ground love the Lord with all their hearts. … They also love Heavenly Father’s children, and their lives manifest that love. They care for their brothers and sisters. They nurture, serve, and sustain their spouses and children. In the spirit of love and kindness, they build up those around them. They give freely of their substance to others. They mourn with those that mourn and comfort those that stand in need of comfort.”
Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, “Journey to Higher Ground,” Ensign, Nov. 2005, 19.
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